A double-click on a variant will focus on the 3D structure viewer (if the residue is present in the selected 3D structure) and the sequence alignment of homologenes accordingly.
3D structure
Mouse left-button + drag: rotate the system
Mouse right-button + drag: translate the system
Mouse wheel up and down: zoom and unzoom
Hitting "i" key: roll the system. Hitting "i" again stop the rolling.
Hitting "k" key: rock the system. Hitting "k" again stop the rocking.
A double-click on a residue will center the view on this residue, while displaying it in ball and stick and the close neighbours in licorice.
In parallele, if the double click was done on a residue of the main chain, the table of variants, and the sequence alignment of the homologenes, will focus on the same residue.
A single-click on a residue will center the system on it, without changing the selection.
Hovering the mouse pointer on an atom will display the atom name, as well as the residue name and number above the 3D viewer.
It is possible to display several types of molecular interactions between the selected residue and its environment using the different options available below the 3D viewer.
Full screen viewing and a summary of the 3D structure information can be obtained by clicking on the and icons, respectively.
Hydrogen bonds
Ionic interactions
Cation-Pi interactions
Hydrophobic contacts
Pi-stacking interactions
Sequence alignment
Press "Run with JS"
A single-click on the residue number or a double-click on a residue letter in the sequence alignement will center the 3D structure and the table of variants accordingly.
Residue numbers are displayed above the sequence alignement for the human protein, if they are present in the selected 3D structure.